What’s new in BlueCielo Publisher 2016 SP1

The new features and improvements of Meridian Explorer include:

ID Description
MRE-2184 The Teigha DGN and Teigha DWG rendering modules now use the Teigha 4.1.1 libraries.
MRE-2241 The Autodesk Revit rendering module now supports a rendering option named _REVITSETUP_<ExportSetupName>_. It can be used to specify a Revit export setup to use for programmatic rendering instead of the configured publishing job options.
MRE-2300 The Teigha DGN and Teigha DWG rendering modules have a new option Xref paths that can be used to specify locations that are searched to resolved external references from the source document.
MRE-2308 The AutoCAD rendering module now supports the AutoCAD 2017 family of applications.


The Autodesk Revit rendering module now supports multiple sheet property mapping similar to that of multiple AutoCAD layouts.

MRE-2383 The PublisherDestinationEvent_BeforePublish and PublisherDestinationEvent_AfterPublish events now occur correctly with the Autodesk Revit rendering module.


Improved the handling of duplicate entries in the Documentum types table.


Publishing now proceeds correctly if the Meridian option Authenticate logon credentials with the operating system is enabled.

MRE-2710 The BlueCielo Project Portal system link now supports BlueCielo Project Portal 2016.


The Autodesk Inventor rendering module now supports Inventor 2017.

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